The winning photos of the Photo Contest
A photo co was organized as part of E1.4 action. To participate, it was necessary to send 1 or 2 photos via email with the subject: “ForestALL photography competition” by May 30, 2024. During the Final Conference on 06/13/2024, at the Auditorium of the Metropolitan City of Venice, in Via Forte Marghera 191, the award ceremony for the top ten in the photography competition organized as part of the LIFE FORESTALL project was presented. The winners present were invited to approach the speakers' table to comment on the proposed photos.
The first 10 images chosen were published on special frames and exhibited during the Final Conference. They will subsequently be permanently exhibited at the new visitor center of the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto.
Below are the images of the awarded photos.
N. 1 Foto di Giulia Moraschi
N. 2 Emys orbicularis - foto di Marco Baldin
N. 3 Fistione turco e airone cenerino - foto di Paolo Ugo

N. 4 Airone cenerino e garzetta - Foto di Giuseppe Borziello

N. 5 Falco di palude, volo di corteggiamento - foto di Paolo Ugo

N. 6 Foto di Renato Palazzi

N. 7 Fenicotteri, avocette, volpoche di Marco Baldin
N. 8 Beccacce di mare di Giuseppe Borziello

N. 9 Foto di Fabio Cianchi

N. 10 Foto di Renato Palazzi